Rabu, 14 September 2016

The Power Of "Listening"

Listen, sound very easy but never seems like what exactly it should be. Listening is a easy thing to do but in the other way it’s also hard to practice it. This statement sound like I’m talking a riddle, in some way I was said it was easy but in the other way  I was said it was hard to practice it. How could it’s be like that? Because I was the one of them. I think perhaps some people of you guys also experienced it too.

When someone was in the trouble or have a problem what they needed the most was “Listening”. Why? You must be think what people need when they in trouble is a solution instead an unknown people that only helped them to heard what the hell is going on? Actually we have misunderstood that, somehow people need the most is we could listen to them but “without judging”, listen with all your heart, what I meant it’s put effort and attention, don’t feel weird because you think that heart never had the ability to heard which the sense of heard was belong to our ears. Listen with no doubt, only listen don’t comment too much to the story.

I have been hard to listening fully to the people when they trying talking or telling me something, I often like to interrupted even they only talking in the half way to finished the conversation. Today I’m going share some benefit of listening, how to be able listening to the fully in my own view with you guys.

Benefit of listening

1.       Learning something new

Some people love to say the phrase “when you talk you share what you know and when you listen you got what you never know”. As that phrase said you will always got something new when you put your attention to listening to the people that talking to you. We never known what exactly we will heard if we don’t wait till they finished what they want to say, of course, you also have to listening with all your heart if you really want to get the point of their conversation or story they have been told. Even they’re talking about their problem, perhaps you will gain the experiences of the feeling they share , when someday you got the same problem, you will understand having a problem, it isn’t about why, it’s about how people past thorough it and deal with it.


2.      Become More Empathy

When you learn to listening to the people, you become more empathy. Nowadays people only few of them could be able to empathy to people around them. People who able to empathy it was the one who with the most soft hearted people. Being empathy meant you understand how the feeling of others, then you will be understand the emotion that appear within those people. With listening it will increased your knowledge about knowing and understanding people.


3.      When listening you are going to spread a good act

Listening is a kind act with the most easy way to do. Do you want to do some good thing to your beloved one or your friend? With an easy way? Give it a try with listening, and see how the result of its. Its worked, mostly people want to be heard because people are need attention. We love to be noticed when we’re in a trouble, we need someone to know how hard our feeling was.


4.      Listening make a good relationship between people

Listening make a good connection with people and fixed a broken relationship. It’s incredible sound like that, right ? , just to be able listening then we can fix a broken relationship whether with a friend, family member and so on.  Because a relationship was made by a bond, when we were able to listening, that meant we put aside the others thing for a while just to listen to them, to care what happened to them and how the feeling they felt, Bond made people attached to each other, it’s make a relationship more closer and move aside the obstacle aside from them.

How to be able listening to the fully

I’m not going to show how should be when we trying to listening, but I’m just sharing tips we could do to make the process of being able to listening become worked and in the other side we found we love to do it, not because we have to or should do, but because of we want and we love to do it. Here some of the tricks you could make a try

1.       Listen without judging

This was the most important step you don’t have to forget about it. People might be able to listen what people said but in their mind they already made some judgment to the things they just heard. As a human we often make our self judgment as what already happened as the fact.  We love to play with everything that appear in our mind, we make a judgment to the people with what just we seen in the surface, but we never really understand the real emotion they have felt it, or what they have gone through. No matter what they have do, it’s not our turn to judge them, because every one have their own portion to taking every responsibility or consequences of their action in their life, so don’t got busy yourself by judging people. Listen to them, then place yourself at their position for a while, felt the feeling of them. After that conversation have done, switch to yourself again, no judge just listen.

2.      Listen with no distraction

When you are going listen to the people, try to put aside all the gadgets in you to avoid the distraction that caused by its. People will felt that you’re not putting attention to them when you’re busying on your phone screen when hearing to them, that will caused them lose interest to keep telling what have happened to them or keep telling you all the story and details that had happened to them. It’s just a simple rule, when you put aside all distraction that meant you are serious going to listen to them, you’re interested to heard from them, and mostly you’re willing to be their listener.

3.      Listen with no doubt

Don’t ever doubt when someone going telling their personal feeling, how can you be more understand their own feeling and experiences than them, it’s sound weird when you’re not the main role but you’re doubting base on your own personal experiences.

4.      Listen without too much self comment

Don’t ever try to interrupted the process of listening by your comment, such as statement like ”I know your feeling”, so on, maybe you’re trying to cheer them up or giving some advices, but people never ask for that, too much comment sound like you’re trying to show that you’re knowing everything or you’re trying too show your ability to solved the problem. Too much comment showed its become the moment you’re telling people your story instead of you’re hearing to their problem.

That’s all my thought about listening, I’m still practice how to listening well. Several times, I have failed to be a good listener, I often like to talk my own things when people just about to start their conversation. Now I change the way when I’m listen, when some question occur during the process of listening, I was told to myself that no question needed in here, what they need the most was a pair of ears, an attention of my eyes, a willingness of my attitude, a sincerely heart from my heart to understand and most importantly a previous time from mine.

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