Jumat, 09 September 2016

Taiwan Trip Part III “North and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area”

Yeay..I’m getting excited to write more about every places I had visited on my Taiwan Trip. Today I’m going to continue telling you where the next destination I was visited after left Golden Waterfall ( As I already talked in my previous post ). During way back to the home, the uncle who was the driver asked to us, do we want to stop at the side of the sea view which was located at North and Yilan Coast National Area, I didn’t dare to agreed due I’m afraid my mom and my uncle will be very tired to keep walking for a long day, surprised my uncle agreed then we stopped our car in the side of the street. There was some people who stopped at there too, I thought they also want to take some photos at there too. I saw there was a couple in there to preparing taking pre wedding photos, that was meant there must be very good view at there, that’s why they come to there.
After the uncle’s driver parked the car, I was very excited to strolling around to look what was on there, and then what I saw…wow..yeah,,a blue sea with an incredible shape of rocks around there. There’s a cliff beside the sea, and you can try go down to the sea through that rocks. There is so much unique shape of the rocks, at there you could be amazed by the power of nature, it’s really refreshing my mind of these days of stress. By the way, i met a new friend at there, a very interesting and value friend, he is a lovely dog J, that dog really made my day, his owner said his name was yahoo, it’s quiet funny. His name same with one of the famous search engine..hahaha..What Surprised me  was that dog didn’t afraid of getting closer with stranger especially with me. That dog me taught me the value lesson on that day, the lesson of being sincerely with every person you meet in your life.
The uncle driver offered me to go down to the side of the sea, of course, I won’t refuse that chance, while my mom and uncle still in the upside of the street. After I reached the side of the sea it’s really worth it to watch the view from the side of the sea, I was really happy, for looking everything around there. After that I climbed back to the top and I sit down on in the side of the cliff with “yahoo” (that dog), watched everything around us, and feel fresh and free. Here some photos I took at there :
P.S. : I’m still new as a blogger and also new blog in English, I hope you guys pardon all my grammar’s mistakes, I need a lot courage to blog in English due I’m not good at its, but now I’m still trying to improve its because some day I have a dream that I would blog every places in my country which I meant Indonesia to all over people in the world. Thank you J

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