Selasa, 13 September 2016

Taiwan Trip IV "Yeh Liu Geopark"

The next day after getting ready to go out, I was wondering where we want to go, I have no idea where is our next destination is. At 09:30 AM the uncle’s driver come to fetched us, and in that day my small uncle took one day leave for accompany us. Before went to there we had breakfast at one of the fish market, but I didn’t took any photos of the dishes we ate on there. Hahaha.. After finished fed our stomach, we continue to our destination, when in the car I just over heard their conversation about where we want to go. Then I heard they said Yeh Liu, in my mind I was thought where it is? And what kind of park it is? But I think the best way to know what exactly it’s look like was to look its in real.

Yeh Liu Geopark one of the famous tourism attractions object at Wan Li District, Taiwan. From Taoyuan to Yeh Liu Geopark it’s take about 1 hour. Yeh Liu Geopark was located at Wan Li District , New Taipei (Xin Bei). Yeh Liu Geopark is a cape known by geologist as the Yeh Liu Promontory, forms part of the Daliao Miocene Formation. It Stretches approximately 1,700 Meters into the ocean and was formed as geological forces pushed the Datun Mountain out of the sea. The Widest area in between is shorter than 300 m.

I have done some search in google then I was found a website ,on that site stated the history of they named that place as Yeh Liu

1.       A term translated from the Pin Pu Language

2.      An abbreviation of the Spanish words “Punto Diablos (which means “Devil’s Cape)

3.      In early days, local residents earned their living at sea and they relied on rice suppliers from inner land to offer rice to them. During transportation, some local people would use the sharp bamboo tube to stick sack and leave a hole on it, so that the rice may slip out and could be picked up by them. As a result, rice traders often mentioned “the rice was stolen by the savages” (where as “steal” and “savage” are pronounced similar to Yeh (savage) and liu (Steal) in Taiwanese)

Yehliu Geopark can be divided into three areas. The first area contains mushroom rock and ginger rock. You may learn the development process of mushroom rock as well as witness the appearance of ginger rock, cleavage, pothole and melting erosion panel. On top of that, the famous candle shaped rock and the ice cream rock are presented in this area too.


The second area is similar to the first area, where the mushroom rock and the ginger rock are the main focuses, only they are fewer in numbers. You may see the Queen’s Head, Dragon’s Head Rock, and etc. Since the area is near the coast, rocks that develop into four different kinds of formations can be seen in this area: elephant rock, fairy’s shoe, earth rock and peanut rock. The aforementioned are parts of the layers featuring special shapes as a result of being corroded by sea water.

The third area is the wave-cut platform located on the other side of Yehliu. This area is much narrower than the second area; one side of the platform is closely adjacent to steep cliffs while down below the other side is a scene of torrent waves. Several rocks of grotesque shapes and sizes that are incarnated as a result of sea erosion can be seen in this area, including the 24-filial piety hill, pearl rock and Marine Bird Rock. The third area also includes the major ecology reserve of Yehliu Geopark in addition to the said rock landscapes.

Back to the topic, as we reached there in the noon, my small uncle bought for 7 tickets including him for entrance the Yeh Liu Geo Park, each cost 80 NT. What surprised me was the uncle’s driver no need to paid for the ticket, why? Because he was a disabled people, so how he could drove the car? You guys must be very curious? Right ? It’s only minor disability, one of his index finger was been amputated during one of the operation. When he want to entrance the park for free he just need to showed his shortage index finger. Taiwan government really do care to their citizen, I hope someday in Indonesia will have the same regulation as Taiwan.

As we entered the Yeh Liu Geo Park, you will seen a lot of imitation of the real rocks in the Yeh Liu Geo Park such us Queen Head, Etc. At the Yeh Liu Geo Park you will see a red line cross in the side of the sea which to prevent the visitor to over walk from the place, I think it also do for our safety where there a lot cliff on there. An each statue of the rock they put some small rocks as a barrier to avoid people hold the real statue which will caused the damage to its. There also a Guard that to look after people around there who has step out of the red line or hold the rock. If you hold the rock the guard will blow his be careful, he just done his part of job.

There is a lot of sand stones, all of it was the result of weathering of stones caused by the sea water. Earth movement giving rise to a scenery consisting of sea trenches/holes. There so much unique stones such as Ice Cream Rock, Candle, Elephant Rock, The Fairy’s Shoe, Earth Rock, Peanut Rock, Honey Comb, the famous one Queen Head, and so on. I didn’t take all the photos of them, because my uncle getting tired walking around so I just took few of them. 

While walking to the right side head to the stairs I noticed a statue of Lian Tian Zhen who was a local fisherman who on 18 March 1964 jumped to the sea to save student Chang Guo Quan who fell to the sea accidently, unfortunately both of them were drowned. To tribute and memorial to Zhen heroic act is this statue.

From the left side I saw a stairs connect to the small pavilion in the top of the hill, I was curious how the view from there, then the uncle’s driver offered me again to take the stairs to the top of there to see the view. Why not? Hehehe…although it was cloudy day but after reached that small pavilion I still felt that I’m sweaty, maybe I didn’t got usual with exercise. This is a self reminding to myself that I’m rarely do exercise and when I back to the Indonesia I should start exercising .hahaha..

After spent about two hours at there, we go back to the car park to heading to house due to the rainy was about to come. I love how they arranged the entrance and exit way to the visitor so that it will become nice, tidy and decent. I hope all the nature tourism object will be looks like that. Here some photos from Yeh Liu Geopark


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