Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Things We Should Add to Our Life

Build a bridge between the life you have and the life you want in the future.

I was a full time thinker, I love to worry every little things that happened in my life, even it’s not going to happened yet,  I will think about it’s too. That’s  me, a kind of personality that actually I dislike it a lot. I was hard to find a way to get rid it’s from myself. I’ve been searching a lot article that talking about self improvement, I’m searching across every website that provided a lot self improvement article, and today, I got some points that they love to talking about. It’s Happiness, Peace, and to be true to Self.

Today I’m going to write, something I knew from reading those good and inspiring article. I want to share three things I think we should to add to our life. This not meant to a material list, it was something come from within. They are Acceptance, Understanding, and Honesty. Just like cooking recipe, we should add some flavor to make the food taste delicious , so do we should adding some thoughts like that to our life to make our life more easier as actually it’s should be.

  • Acceptance
How many people from us that could be barely accept ourselves without judging any less part or shortage of ourselves. We often cling on the standard we should have in this socialize life, such as things (material : such as smart phone, car. house, bag, so on) we should have, how should we pretend looks like, how our body shape should be, and how much place we should travelled, then so on the list. Often those really not what we need the most, we stated that we needed because of we see that others people happy from having these thing. But we have to remember that happiness is a state of mind and happiness is relative, we couldn’t measure its, as everyone has a different background, life, and the most important one SELF.
As you learn to accept how you are, you will be more appreciated your life, then you’re going to discover your purpose of life and create your our life journey. I’m currently discover that I love a lot from reading and writing as a began to understand that to be a wealthy ( having car, house, etc) and to be popular actually don’t make me happy (actually I wasn’t popular and wealth that were make me even more upset) . As I began to accept the current being of myself I began to realized that I was blessed, I’m breathing, my mind and body were complete. And the most important thing. I began to be a beginning blogger. At least I’m trying to be. I’m encouraging myself to thrive.

  • Understanding

I always complaining how my life was, complain how people or friend treated me, how my parents up bringing did to me and how my company was paid to us , and so on, there’s a no ending list of my complain. I ever make misunderstanding take feel that one of my friend was bad but after that I discover actually things wasn’t true as what I’m thinking of, from that moment, I began to realized, sometimes we should put a lot compassion to people surround us, what we see doesn’t always define the truth, some people maybe treated you bad, but maybe there’s others reason behind it’s why they reacted to you as that way. But it doesn’t meant you should let everyone done that bad behavior toward you. It’s more meant to we shouldn’t let others consumed us. Like the phrase said “one stone kills two birds”, there’s two benefit you could gain from understanding, first you create good image of someone you thinking about when you tying to understand them, then the second when you stop judging people and try to be understanding our your life, there will be less grudge and resentment we carry in our life. Our life will be more lightly, easy to pass and obviously a good day will always come to you
  • Honesty

I ever read an article that wrote about the Q & A in the Seminar of Ajah Brahm In Indonesia, an audience asking him “what the most important thing we should do in our life”?, his answer was honesty. I think yes, we often heard I phrase said “Honesty is the best policy.” Respect and trust it’s gained by our honesty. When we’re honest we trying make a good relationship between everyone, when we’re honest we don’t have to remember every detaisl we have already said, because we’re talking the truth, when people re-ask that question, we just have to told them what we know. Nowadays people often like to be a liar than to be honest, they have been sounded that when they talking the truth then they will got scold, blame, and dislike by others. Some children love to lying when their parents love to punished them when they doing wrong and they tried to admit it. As a parents you should try to change your perspective, we don’t have to punished them, on the contrary we should put more encouragement to them for move on from that mistakes, no one in this universe that never did any mistakes. Forgiveness en lighted their hope of being a honest man. That how the role parents have this world create more gen of Wisdom & Honest Man.
That’s the three value things we should do more to ourselves. Accepted who we were, what we have and create the life you want, Understand that life often full of challenge, sometimes we might have some failure in order to be success and be honest to yourself and people surrounded you, because being honest is the best weapon you can use to create a peace mind and good life.

P.S. : Sorry if there’s a lot mistakes of grammar and tenses

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