Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

10 Things We Should Know If We Want To Have A Peacefully Life

At first, i want to say that i'm not good writing in English there's a lot tenses and grammar that i don't know so well , but now i want to try blogging with its, I think the best way to improve something was conquer it instead of run from its. Today I'm gonna share how to have a peacefully life. Peace come from within, so in order to have a peace life we have to start from the bottom of our heart then continue to our thought. Yeah, Our brain is our entire self, so if we want some changes from our life then there its the best place to begin. So what is the things we should know , here it is

  1. Keep your business away of how others's people life going on, The reason is simple, its none of your business, there's no benefit or loss you will get from there for knowing its.
  2. Don't make any comparison between you and others, whether the one you compare is up or down than your grade of life. Comparison its a toxin that will drain your energy for living, so as long as you're not ended it, you will never be able to be live yourself, you're too busy to chase and look at others.
  3. Less judgment make you become more easier in getting along with people
  4. Be wise choose friend that only matter to you, don't count your friend base on quantity but on the quality that they offers in your life. Friend matter the most in your socialize life.
  5. Whether you have a good upbringing or not, don't ever put any blame to your parents, they're human and they do mistakes too as we do.
  6. Life is a problem, that's meant you never be able to get rid from problem, thanks for the exist of problem because its give us a chance to make mistake and make improvement for ourselves,
  7. Listen more and speak less this old phrase never lied to you, i will said that listen more then speak when you need something good to share.
  8. Don't try to pleased people by doing what they want from you, because its only will suck your precious life, if they want to stay in your life then they will.
  9. Have something that you passion enough to do, whether its your hobby, sport or exercise, anything that you will lead your good mood grow, do it more, than you will be complaining less.
  10. The last, the most important one that we almost forgot it everyday is life in the present. Whether you have did any mistake in the past or so many things you wish to do in the future but what matter the most is what you do in this moment and this moment the only moment you're able and will to change your life.
That's all my 10 things to share with you, if any grammar need correction , feel free leave comment in my post or contact me thorough my email . Here i gonna share a quote with you "You don't have to try to get rid of the fear, we just need go thorough and past your fear".

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